Conversion chart

This conversion chart is a handy guide to helping you convert International recipe measurements, weights and baking temperatures. This free printable will become a great kitchen companion. 


Cooking and baking conversions

Many international recipes will use the metric system and if you need help converting any of the measurements because you are used to the Imperial system, this cooking conversion chart has you covered. Spoons, cups, etc are different in many countries but these are the measurements I use so this chart is especially handy for any recipes you might need help with on Simply Delicious.

When it comes to baking, I prefer using my electric scale with gram/kilogram measurements because it is the most accurate. An affordable electric scale is an excellent investment for anyone who likes to bake. However, these conversions should make it much easier for you when it comes to baking and cooking.

Tools for measuring ingredients

As mentioned above, I prefer using an electric scale when baking. Other measuring tools that are necessary are:

  • Measuring cups. These are used for dry ingredients like flour, sugar, cocoa powder, etc.
  • Measuring spoons. These are used for smaller amounts of ingredients like baking powder, baking soda, salt, vanilla extract, etc.
  • Liquid measuring cups or jugs. Measuring jugs are super handy because they have the measurements on the side which helps when using milk, oil or melted butter in a recipe.

How to measure ingredients

  1. How to measure dry ingredients: Fill the cup to the brim then scrape with the back of a knife or flat spatula to even out.
  2. Measuring liquid ingredients: For small amounts you’ll be using measuring spoons but for anything from a quarter of a cup and up, you’ll need to use liquid measuring cups or jugs. Place the jug on a level surface and slowly fill to the desired volume.

Click here to download a Printable version of this chart

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  1. Hi, I absolutely for your conversion chart but I’m not sure about the liquid measurements:
    60ml – 2fl oz – 1/2 cup
    Shouldn’t it be 1/4 cup?

  2. WOW! This is a great site. I cook something different every night from different countries.I love the selections and interesting methods of prepping.
    Can’t wait to give this the “MOTHERBOARD” of chiefing.
    I studied at the FRENCH Institute of NY. So before you can cook, you need a technique!
    Thanks for this..

  3. I used your Mexican Hamburger Recipe the other day and it was amazing…..
    Thank you for sharing it with us …

  4. Thanks for this very hand conversion table. One question, is corn starch the same thing as corn flour? Might be one to add to your ingredients list. Thanks again.

    1. Thanks Scott. It depends on where you live. In South Africa corn starch is called corn flour but I know it’s not always the case. I’ll do some investigating to make 100% sure.

  5. Alida, As an American, We have difficulty understanding and /or converting g.’s./ ml.’s / kg.’s/…etc. to our more familiar measurements we use here.(cups, Tbls., tspns, ounces, pounds, etc.) so, I am especially happy to find your Conversion Chart !! I was just about to ditch your recipe since I could only guess what most of the recipe content amounts were. Happily, I happen to see your reference to your Conversion Chart. Whew !! I’m usually pretty good at figuring how a recipe works, But am lousy at metrics. (We were not introduced to metrics until lots of us were finished w/ our education) Plus we found it hard to unlearn our prior measurement education we grew up with, so thanks again.

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I realised pretty quickly that most of my traffic is American and that I’ll have to do a conversion chart as I really don’t want all you lovely State-siders to not be able to make my recipes. I’ve also started doing more and more of my recipes using cups instead of metric just to make things easier but where I struggle (as Metric is so drilled into me), I hope this conversion chart helps. 🙂

  6. Hi, Alida I’m so glad to spot your blog it has been a great help to me ,the conversion chart is a wonderful and useful information . Sometimes i’m lost looking at some recipe not being sure of the measure amount to use . And your chart Alida has everything one can ask for . Thank you !